21 August, 2007

"i've been distracted by stupidity"

I'll have you know an actual professor of mine at Emerson said that quote, and I've used it ever since because it more or less sums up my life. *sigh*

I know I've been a little weak on the posting situation, but I've had camera issues --- like being too lazy to charge my battery. Hey, that's an "issue"! Totally legit. Don't judge me. It's a shame though, because I walked around a lot this weekend in the midst of this hurricane debacle and found lots of cool new things. My first hurricane scare was this past weekend....!The anticipation, the uncertainty!!! It was all very exciting.

On Wednesday evening, I'm going to Rincon and staying overnight with the professors from Boston and they are going to show me the ropes and all...meaning, we are going out on the town because Rincon supposedly has the best bars on the west coast of PR. I will be the judge of that in due time :) They are telling me it's a surfing/tourist town, so this should be good. I WILL take pictures and I WILL post them. That is a promise!!!

Well, this post was a procrastination device in order to avoid starting/finishing my linguistics assignment due in...1 hour and 50 minutes. Excellent. I should do that now.

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