30 July, 2008

Wisconsin I Love You, But You're Totally Stressing Me Out.

I AM BACK IN PUERTOOOO RICOOO!!! Here are some pictures from this summer, primarily drunken escapades....but, what did you really expect? It's rural Wisconsin, for christsake....

When you ask for a 12 -pack of Coke to go, this is what you get....

he totally stole my outfit....
bartender on a scooter in a squirrel costume....it was funnier the first time.
We're big fans of roadies in WI....
Advertising in the Midwest = plywood and spray paint. Ode to Paul


Again, some advertising....

Man in the Ladies Room.

Gun in a bar.
Gun in a bar, part II
Prim and Proper.

1 comment:

Bex said...

WI is not stressful!!! :)

WI misses you. So do I. BUT, the good news is that the blog will be regularly updated now!