27 December, 2007

stolen truth.

This post from Mollygood.com made me feel so much better about not being able to go home for Christmas this year:

We hear you, Charlie.
Consumerism, greed, the exclusivity of religion, and all with a war on; what’s to be merry about? Oh, to be Jewish on Christmas Eve. Those people have all the luck.
The holiday season is hard on the jaded, we know. Our recommendation for a tolerable late December? A whole lot of whiskey. (Knob Creek is a nice, easy choice.) But if having the shakes at Mass isn’t for you, try remembering that the gifts and the stockings and the trees and the tinsel and the fake snow and the real snow and the bells and the credit debt are all meaningless compared to the people you love enough to not beat silent. Amid the madness, find your holiday miracles in the faces of your family members, not the mall.
If you don’t have any family: whiskey, definitely. And sip with the knowledge that millions of others are choking down thick nog and polite conversation, quietly wishing for the solitude you’re not sure you want.
Happy holidays, everyone. 

(source was Mollygood.com)

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